Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Psychological Problems of Adolesent Children in Kerala

Unlike in the past, today's adolescent girls in Kerala go through various levels of stress. It could be internal (family) or from outsides sources. The adolescent stage is a very precarious phase of life when child goes through various physical and metal transformation. It's a time when parental support and guidance is required.

There's also a rise in delinquent behaviour among adolescent girls in Kerala. In one survey it was reported that lack of parental guidance, involvement, attachment or lack of intimacy is resulting in abnormal among adolescent girls.

Adolescent girls are more prone to stress due to these elements
  • Worries about schoolwork and study
  • Difficulty in studies
  • Bringing up in an unhappy family
  • Sexual or verbal abuse
  • Relationships problems with peers
  • Weight related issues
  • Looks and peer pressure
  • Over exposure to T.V and Internet
  • Parent - Adolescent Relationship

Role of family in building better relationship with adolescent kids
1. As a parent you can approach kids as a friend. Adopt a peaceful and a calm approach in understanding their problems.
2. Don't jump into conclusions or accuse them. Instead show concern, support and most importantly be a good listener
3. Avoid constant supervision of their life - Be it their dressing, about friends or behaviors. In short stop being helicopter mom's
4. Take clues from their words and try to understand the meaning in their words. Don't always take things lightly. Maybe, they are facing problems at school or have some stress from outside which they are not ready to share. If you suspect some problem, you can seek the support of good counsellors.
5. Never, never quarrel in front of your children. It can lead to stress and depression

If need an appointment with a trained counsellor.
Consolace Counselling Services,
Nanthencode, Trivandrum.
Mob: 9388183153
Website :